Fajarasia.co – The Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, is always Chair of Parliament 20 (P20) attending Supreme Audit Institutions 20 (SAI20), which is the newest Engagement Group at the G20. In the forum initiated by Indonesia in the 2022 G20 Presidency, Puan invited G20 countries to collaborate on various global issues.
Puan’s presence at the opening of SAI20 which was held in Nusa Dua, Bali, Tuesday (30/8/2022), was welcomed by the Chairman of the Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) Isma Yatun as Chair of SAI20. Puan was accompanied by Deputy Chairperson of Commission IX DPR RI Charles Honoris and Member of the BKSAP DPR RI Irine Yusiana Roba Putri.
“We live on the same earth, therefore we need to prioritize joint work, collaboration, mutual cooperation to build a better world for all,” said Puan.
This forum is intended for the Higher Audit Institutions (SAI) of G20 member countries to encourage cooperation in strengthening transparency and accountability among G20 countries. SAI20 also focuses on good and accountable governance through increasing the role of SAIs within the G20 framework.
The purpose of the SAI20 Summit itself is to discuss the real contribution of financial audit institutions of G20 member countries in the situation and post-Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to accelerating economic recovery and supporting the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs).
“This is of course very strategic, because the world has just been faced with the Covid-19 Pandemic situation which requires unusual efforts and measures for managing state finances,” explained Puan.
“So the role of the state audit institution, the Supreme Audit Institutions, is very important to be able to respond to the urgent need for governance, transparency and accountability, especially in the situation and post-pandemic,” continued the first woman who served as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives.
Puan added, the Covid-19 pandemic has put economic, fiscal and social pressures on all countries in the world. All countries also take steps to anticipate and overcome the threat of crisis.
“A large number of funds originating from the people are used by the governments of each country to handle the fields of health, social protection, and economic recovery,” said Puan.
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, a number of development agendas have experienced a slowdown, including steps in achieving the SDGs because state resources are directed to save the people from the threat of a pandemic and its impacts. Puan hopes that the results of the upcoming G20 Summit will be able to overcome the most pressing global challenges at this time according to the theme of the Indonesian G20 Presidency ‘Recover Together, Recover Stronger’.
“And can unite joint efforts for a better recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and then realize sustainable and inclusive growth in countries around the world,” said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.
This commitment, said Puan, will certainly inspire the Parliament and the Supreme Audit Institutions to contribute to their constitutional authority in strengthening the recovery. As the organizer of The G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit (P20), the Indonesian House of Representatives also gave appreciation to BPK RI for initiating the formation of Supreme Audit Institutions 20 (SAI20) as a new engagement group G20.
“So that they will be able to participate in responding to the needs of governance, transparency, and accountability in managing state resources, in the midst and after the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Puan.
According to him, this can strengthen the efforts of the Governments of G20 countries in achieving economic recovery and accelerating the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Puan said the Indonesian House of Representatives together with the world’s Parliament through the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the P20 Meeting also paid attention to joint efforts to strengthen the role of parliament in legitimizing the government’s best efforts in carrying out social and economic recovery from the impact of the pandemic and a number of global challenge agendas ahead.
“Parliament, through The G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit (P20), will take a strategic role to strengthen the legitimacy of the governments of each G20 country in carrying out a common agenda,” he explained.
“Through its constitutional duties, Parliament will play a role through budgeting, legislation, and oversight functions to be able to strengthen the implementation of the G20 country’s joint agenda, which can strengthen social and economic recovery in each country,” added Puan.
The G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit (P20) meeting which will be held in October will take the theme ‘Stronger Praliament For Sustainable Recovery’ which is in line with the theme of the G20 Presidency. P20 will later discuss 4 priority issues, namely the acceleration of Sustainable Development and a Green Economy, Food and Energy Security and Economic Challenges, Effective Parliament and Dynamic Democracy and Social Inclusion, and Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.
“These four issues are very relevant in the context of global recovery after the pandemic and various actual global problems that are currently being faced,” said Puan.
Through its constitutional authority, it is said that Parliament will participate in overseeing the implementation of the global agenda in finance, monetary, and development that will strengthen progress in their respective countries in realizing the prosperous lives of their people. Puan hopes that the Supreme Audit Institutions of each country can also take on the role of G20 partners.
“The role in ensuring and improving the performance of accountability and effectiveness of global programs and policies carried out by each country,” said the grandson of the Indonesian proclaimer Bung Karno.
“This role can be carried out by SAI by creating a governance approach that can serve as a platform that can guide the government towards achieving a global agenda that strengthens its national progress. So that SAI participates in overseeing the sustainability of the global agenda that has been mutually agreed upon,” continued Puan.
The priority issues discussed in SAI20 are expected to accelerate economic recovery and build country resilience, as well as accelerate the targets of the SDGs agenda in 2030.
“Through their constitutional authority, the Government, Parliament, Supreme Audit Institutions build commitments in carrying out a common agenda to build a world that is healthy, safe, peaceful and prosperous for all,” concluded Puan.***