Fajarasia.co — A number of billboards with a picture of Paun Maharani in Medan City were damaged by an unknown person (OTK). Indonesian Political Opinion (IPO) observer Catur Nugroho said that the motive for the destruction was because Puan’s political rivals were starting to get worried.
“This destruction marks the concerns of rivals as the intensity of Puan Maharani’s volunteers in the city of Medan has sprung up,” he said, Tuesday, August 9, 2022.
According to Catur, the massive support from volunteers in various regions for Puan to be promoted as a presidential candidate in 2024 is a concern for other political parties. So that the massive movement of the people at the grassroots can be a threat to other political parties that are consolidating to carry other presidential candidates.
However, Catur praised Puan’s attitude of not caring about the bullying that had been directed at her. According to Catur, Puan inherited the attitude of statesmanship from her grandfather, Soekarno.
“You have always experienced bullying/bullying, but nothing has made you angry. This is the attitude of a statesman. You have chosen to remain silent and continue to consolidate with the people,” he said.
For information, hundreds of billboards that read ‘Puan Maharani President 2024’ were installed in various corners of the city of Medan. Recently, some of the billboards were damaged by unknown people, such as the billboards installed on Jalan Letda Sujono, and the billboards near the Bandar Selamat Toll Gate.****