Strong support, Puan Maharani Volunteer Appears in West Java

Strong support, Puan Maharani Volunteer Appears in West Java — The wave of support for Puan Maharani as a presidential candidate for 2024 continues to emerge. Residents declare themselves as Puan Maharani’s Volunteer Fighters, currently in West Java.

In three cities, Kuningan, Tasikmalaya, and Pangandaran, people from various circles declared themselves to be Puan Maharani’s fighters with a commitment to support the grandson of the proclaimer of Indonesian independence to become president.

“This month of independence for the Republic of Indonesia is a good momentum for us to declare ourselves as part of the struggle to support Mrs. Puan’s success as president to continue Pak Jokowi’s leadership,” said Syahrul Latif, Coordinator of West Java Maharani Fighter Volunteers, Wednesday 3 August 2022.

According to him, the spirit of the month of independence spurred the enthusiasm of Puan Maharani’s volunteers to move to socialize the number one person in the DPR RI to the community at the grassroots.

“Mrs. Puan is a professional and hardworking figure, not the type who likes imagery, but emphasizes more on the results of the performance of the tasks she carries out. Therefore, we need to convey various things to the people at the grassroots who this Ms. Puan is, and why she deserves to be president. ,” he explained.

The declaration of the Puan Maharani fighter volunteer, he continued, was simultaneously held on Sunday 1 August in the three cities, and will continue in other cities in West Java. “This declaration is our endeavor to support and help the figure we admire, namely Ms. Puan. We will continue to work for Ms. Puan,” he said.

According to him, in addition to socialization, his party also absorbs aspirations from the community to be conveyed to Puan. “We also facilitate the community to express their aspirations for Mrs. Puan Maharani, because many people in West Java, especially the PDIP-based area, want Mrs. Puan to be the next President of Pak Jokowi,” he said.

West Java, said Syahrul, is a strategic base with diverse voters. “But what is surprising is that many people are enthusiastic about supporting Mrs. Puan, not more than this month, many people have flocked to want to join Puan’s volunteer fighters,” he added.

Meanwhile, one of the volunteers for the Puan Maharani of West Java, Dede Komariah, admitted that she was happy to join as a volunteer. “I want to have a beautiful president, and it turns out that I just found out from volunteers that Mrs. Puan made the social assistance law (the Financial System Stability Law which allows the government to use the budget for handling the pandemic),” he said.

He hoped that the successor to the struggle for Soekarno’s ideals could be the number one person who would lead this republic. “Yes, I’m happy, I hope that Mrs. Puan becomes President, so that she will prosper, moreover, she is a good person, great,” he concluded.****

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