Puan Volunteer Appears, Gus Falah: The Fruit of Descending Down

Puan Volunteer Appears, Gus Falah: The Fruit of Descending Down

Fajarasia.co – Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PDI-P faction Nasyirul Falah Amru (Gus Falah) views the emergence of volunteer movements in a number of areas as a response to Puan Maharani’s active descent.

Gus Falah said that this volunteer movement was good as a form of community involvement in the celebration of the 2024 presidential election.

“I appreciate the volunteer movement that has sprung up. From the start, Mbak Puan preferred to go down, meet the people, listen to the people, that’s the true character of a populist leader. For me, it is the fruit of going down,” said Gus Falah in his statement, Wednesday (3/8/22)

This member of Commission VII DPR emphasized that Puan already has leadership blood from her family, not only that. In the footsteps of Puan’s political career, she has also been galvanized through qualified cadres.

Starting from the Chair of the DPR Faction, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture for 2014-2019, until now becoming the Chair of the DPR, Puan has not changed. He did not choose to be comfortable in a tall tower building, but preferred to sit with farmers, fishermen, laborers and other marhaen.

“Politics for Mbak Puan is populist politics, Mbak Puan’s dream for the Indonesian people to be independent for decades; there is no problem with food, live happily and get justice in the state,” said the legislator for the East Java X electoral district.

As previously reported, Puan Maharani’s volunteer for the 2024 presidential election has been formed in North Sumatra, East Java and most recently in Banten.****

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