Fajarasia.id – Fahri Hamzah, deputy leader of the Indonesian People’s Party (Gelora), believes that village leaders are better off asking for more village budgets and higher salaries than extending their terms.
“The demand is for villages to receive more remittances from the government each year. Mentioned in Gelora Talks 79 times. DPR Take Action, What’s Up?, Wednesday (1/25/2023).
According to Fahri, the future of Indonesia’s development depends on the villages, so instead of extending their tenure, development funds should be increased again.
“There are too many budget cuts at the central government level now, not at the village level. For example, we need a president who has the courage to promise 5 billion rupees per village if elected,” said Fahri.
Fahri said an increase in the village budget is necessary to increase village administration. This is because village development, especially infrastructure and village sanitation, is currently underway on a large scale.
If the infrastructure is good and Indonesian villages are kept clean, it will be attractive for tourists to visit the villages.
“Our village will become a village of light because it is clean. The river is clean, the gutters are clean. Only then can it become a destination for tourist visits and so on. So I think the future of development finance for us is in villages,” he said.
For this reason, according to Fahri, the focus needs to be on fighting village leaders, and not vice versa, to seek another term of office. and evaluated.
This is because, if the system is implemented, the term of office should actually be shortened. As democracies mature, tenure becomes shorter, as is the case with democracies in the United States (U.S.).
“There is no such thing as an extension of work. In a democracy, this position must be reduced.”
The Guerora Party, which won serial number 7 in the 2024 elections, will reduce the position of village chief to his five years, making his term equal to his superior position in this republic instead of his six or nine years. I’m proposing. Year.
Fahri said village chiefs should be more realistic when requesting additional village budgets rather than additional conditions. He cautioned the village leaders not to accept the promise of an extension.
The former DPR Vice President, who ran the 2004-2009 term, said, “So, friends of the village chief, don’t be tempted by a budget-neutral term extension. Mr Fahri later added that the village chief’s nominal salary was only Rp2 million per month, which was previously paid every three months. Meanwhile, DKI Jakarta’s Lurah’s monthly income reaches his 30 million rupiah. Village chiefs are directly elected by residents, but DKI rulers are appointed by officials.
“So we have to make sure that the village becomes an independent entity. It can be stronger than the state, his per capita income in the village can be stronger than the state, and the development of the village can be greater than the capital. There is.” He is Farri.
“So we see the village as the unit that we want to complete. Democracy is complete, organization is complete, government system is complete, salaries are good,” he added.
Fahri said the nominal monthly salary for a village chief of Rp.
“The salary of a village chief is 2 million rupees, but the salary of a village chief in DKI is tens of millions of rupees and is not elected by the people. The salary of the selected village head is 15 million rupiah, which I think is realistic,” he stressed.
The Guerora Party has in principle agreed to amend his Law No. 6 of 2014 on villages, but this amendment does not refer to the elevation of the position of village chief, but rather to the financing and management of village development. It is. “In order to maximize the management of the village, the money must be big, so we don’t think about the equipment, we put the villagers first. Like Pak Rashid Rashid, who served as Minister of Local Government under President Abdurrahman Wahid, he hopes to be more progressive than Jakarta, he said.
seduction of political parties
Meanwhile, Muhammad Asri Anas, chairman of the Advisory Board of the All Indonesian Association of Village Management (MPO APDESI), said that he would extend the term of office of the village chief from his six years to nine years. said to be a temptation from
This is because the percentage of votes for village chiefs who have proposed reappointments has not exceeded 15%. In addition, the village chief had to make a video celebrating that his hopes for additional positions were expressed.
“So I think this is a temptation. Sorry, I’m calling it a political party. Why don’t these politicians have the guts to talk about substance? And the village leaders who support it is only about 15% and does not represent everyone and the village leaders were asked to make a video to celebrate,” said Asri Annas. APDESI naturally split APDESI as some mayors supported the extension of the 9-year term and some thought that 6 years and 3 terms would be sufficient. It’s extraordinary to come out on a regular basis,” said Asri Annas.
Asri Annas hopes that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his DPR will immediately stand up to end the pros and cons of extending the terms of regional chiefs. This is because the issue is so sensitive that it divides village administrations across Indonesia.
“This is a very sensitive issue that divides village governments in Indonesia. I hope DPR and the government will respond quickly.
APDESI President Arifin Abdul Majid said the proposal to extend the term of office of the village chief from his six years to nine years was not a consensus within APDESI and was only voiced by a small number of members. He added that there are.
Nor did he deny that the proposed term could be politicized in relation to his 2024 election interests.
“So the issue has backfired on the village chiefs because yesterday’s proposal seems to have already been made and they themselves are euphoric about extending their tenure to nine years,” Arifin said. said. Arifin fears APDESI will be trapped by political campaigns ahead of the 2024 elections, but the proposal for a re-term for the mayor is a human rights issue for its members. However, this move could affect public perception and image of APDESI.
“I mean, in terms of actual tenure, we’ve seen 1, 4, 5, 8 and 10 years,” he said.
He stressed that the applicable village law is in fact sufficient to take into account the interests of the village community and the village government.
“The current village law is a good one. It doesn’t need to be amended at this point, it just needs to be implemented first. It’s a problem, so government implementation and village development are going well,” he said.
not decided yet
On the other hand, Mr. Guspardi Gaus, a member of his DPR Commission II of the PAN faction, said that the proposal to extend the position of village headman and amend the village law was just a wish, and that the DPR Commission II, DPR’s decision said no. Alone as an institution.
“They (village leaders) informed them that with the amendments to Law No. 6 of 2014, they could fight for the distribution. has not been lowered,” says Guspardi Gauss.
Guspardi emphasized that the amendments to Law No. 6 of 2014 were not included in the priorities of the 2023 Proregnas and from 2000 he is included in the 2024 Proregnas. If amended, Congress will have to include amendments to the Village Law, which he amends the Prorita Domestic Law of 2023. “Therefore, the 2023 Priority Prolegna does not include any amendments to the Village Law. If you want to discuss it, you have to amend the Priority Prolegna, and so far there has been no discussion to amend it,” said a PAN politician. Told.
Mr Guspardi said Abdul Halim Iskandar Village Development, Development and Resettlement of Disadvantaged Villages (PDTT) Minister will conduct an in-depth study of various aspects related to the effectiveness of the nine-year tenure extension for village chiefs. I hope , and not just create discourse and controversy in public.
“On the issue that extends this position, Minister, please conduct a thorough investigation under different socio-political, economic and other aspects so that there is a solution and a way to overcome it.” , said the DPR II Commissioner.
He urged Halim Iskandar to hear various reasons for or against renewing the position of village chief. For example, if the elected village chief proves to be unqualified and uninnovative for a long time.
“In the end, it comes at the expense of the village community. Such input and suggestions are the opinion of Committee II of the DPR. For this reason, I salute the Guerora Party for its efforts to convey aspirations, ideas, problems and dynamics in the village area,” he said.
Meanwhile, Anthony Budiawan, managing director of Political Economy and Policy Studies (PEPS), said the village chief’s nine-year tenure could cause turmoil in society.
“If the term is nine years and the public is dissatisfied, chaos ensues.” “There will be turmoil, demonstrations and new elections in the middle of the street,” Anthony said.
According to Anthony, the village chief’s short tenure can prove that the character is someone who can work well.
“So the shorter the tenure, the better, enough to prove it works. So mostly his four years in the developed world,” he added Anthony. I was.
Anthony also underscored his DPR position, saying the DPR would soon consider discourse on extending the mayor’s term, which he said was a sweet promise from his DPR. “Well, that’s the origin of the old promise. Don’t make promises as long as they’re attractive. At the time, you couldn’t talk about Ladaha,” he added.****