Fajarasia.co – In the second session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) 14th Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament (14SWSP) held in Uzbekistan, Puan spoke about the importance of protecting personal data in the era of digital technology. He also mentioned that Indonesia will soon have a personal data protection law (PDP).
The theme discussed in the second session of the Chair of the World Women’s Parliament Summit was ‘Preventing risks from technology and preserving human rights and gender equality in the world of high technology’.
“The discussion of risk prevention related to technology, gender equality, and high technology is very relevant during the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Puan in a forum held at the Uzbekistan parliament in Taskhent, Thursday (8/9/2022).
The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives said that technology is an important means to equalize the position between men and women. According to Puan, the fourth industrial revolution, digital technology, automation, and artificial intelligence have had a major impact on the position of women in society.
“In the first year of the pandemic, we have seen a global growth of internet users of more than 10%, by far the largest annual increase in a decade,” he said.
Puan also highlighted that female internet users were smaller than men at the global level in the last 2 years. The comparison is 57% women and 62% men.
“Today digital transformation provides a new avenue for women’s economic empowerment. We need to seize this opportunity to push for greater gender equality, promote economic growth, and build a more inclusive world,” said Puan.
At the same time, added Puan, it is also important to pay attention to the risks of widespread use of technology. Such as in terms of data protection and privacy issues, the use of surveillance technology, online violence and harassment, and the digital divide.
“In addition, the right to privacy must also be considered,” he said.
Puan then mentioned the Personal Data Protection Bill (RUU PDP) which will soon be ratified by the Indonesian House of Representatives. As is known, the DPR and the Government have agreed to bring the PDP Bill to be discussed at level II in the Plenary Session to be later ratified into law.
“The Personal Data Protection Bill will become the legal basis in providing rules and regulations regarding personal data in today’s digitally connected world,” said Puan.
Furthermore, Puan talked about the digital era which presents a paradox.
“A digital paradox that can intensify or reduce social inclusion, accessibility, and sustainability among our society,” said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.
Puan assessed that technology can bring great benefits to improve connectivity, financial inclusion, trade access and public services. But technology also has a negative impact, including in terms of the use of social media.
“There is a proliferation of disinformation, fake news, and hoaxes. This can create fragmentation and polarization in society,” said Puan.
In terms of the digital divide, the Chairperson of the 144th IPU General Assembly said that it is necessary to increase the development of internet infrastructure in every country. In addition, according to Puan, every country must ensure the affordability of internet access, empower users, and overcome the gender gap in internet access.
“Likewise, I believe that the active involvement of women in technology development will help ensure that innovation is relevant for the entire population,” she said.
“We need everyone’s contribution, including women, if we want to recover together,” continued Puan.
In front of the Speakers of the world’s women’s Parliament, Puan invited to increase technology investment in women in a collective effort to achieve gender equality.
“Our ability to make the best of the global recovery effort hinges in large part on our decision to put women at the center of all recovery action,” she said.
“Only then can we lay the foundation for a more resilient and gender-equal world for all,” concluded Puan.***