Puan: In the Spirit of Sacrifice, Make Eid Al-Adha Celebration to Practice Sincerity

Puan: In the Spirit of Sacrifice, Make Eid Al-Adha Celebration to Practice Sincerity

Fajarasia.co – The Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan, wished a happy Eid Al-Adha 1443 Hijriah to the people of Indonesia, especially Muslims. He hopes that residents can celebrate Eid al-Adha with meaning, even though the Covid-19 pandemic still exists.

“Echoes of takbir are starting to ring out, I can’t believe it’s time for us to share,” said Puan, Saturday (9/7/2022).

The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives invites Muslims to surrender and be grateful on this holy day. Puan said, being grateful for the blessings given by the Almighty can be one way to interpret Eid al-Adha.

“Make Eid al-Adha a momentum to practice sincerity and sincerity in carrying out Allah’s commands,” he said.

Puan said, Eid al-Adha is a moment to share with others. Especially to those in need.

“Happy Eid Al-Adha, hopefully this holiday can strengthen faith and grow love for our brothers and sisters,” said Puan

“In the spirit of sacrifice, let’s achieve humility and concern for others,” added the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Furthermore, Puan asked the public to be aware of the foot and mouth disease (PMK) which mostly attacks cows. Although the government has supervised the sale of sacrificial animals, residents are asked to continue to anticipate.

“Efforts have been made to ensure that the sacrificial animals sold are healthy animals. Even so, people still have to be vigilant by boiling the sacrificial meat for at least 30 minutes when cooked. This is for the common good,” said Puan.

The grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno, also congratulated the Indonesian pilgrims who had completed the series of pilgrimages in the Holy Land. Puan hopes that all Hajj pilgrims will be able to return to Indonesia safely and in good health.

“This year’s Hajj is the first for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims to attend after 2 years of absence due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I am grateful that the Indonesian Hajj pilgrims can carry out their worship smoothly. God willing, it will be a mabrur pilgrimage,” he said.

The DPR RI itself has carried out the function of supervising the implementation of the pilgrimage through Commission VIII which has sent a team to Mecca and Medina. There are a number of notes from Commission VIII regarding the implementation of the pilgrimage this time which will later be used as evaluation material for the DPR together with the Government.

“Yesterday there were complaints about food, accommodation and others from our pilgrims. This will be the attention of the DPR for the evaluation of the pilgrimage the following year. This includes the hajj quota,” concluded Puan.***


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