Mothers in Toba Pray for Puan to Become Indonesia’s Leader

Mothers in Toba Pray for Puan to Become Indonesia's Leader – Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, made a working visit to North Sumatra (North Sumatra). Puan also attended reforestation activities in North Tapanuli (Taput) Regency to plant fish seeds in Lake Toba.

Puan arrived at Silangit Airport, Thursday (1/9/2022), greeted by Governor Edy Rahmayadi, North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Pol Panca Putra, and Pangdam I/Bukit Barisan Major General TNI Achmad Daniel Chardin. Puan came accompanied by the Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission V Lasarus and the Deputy Chair of the House of Representatives Commission X Agustina Wilujeng Pramestuti.

Puan then planted mango trees in the Gantole Tourism Area, Huta Ginjang, Muara District. The location is right on the ridge of Tugu Aritonang overlooking Lake Toba.

Residents welcomed Puan’s arrival along the road to the planting site. He was also greeted by hundreds of PUMA volunteers (Puan Maharani) who wore white T-shirts with pictures of Puan’s photo.

“Miss president, Miss president,” shouted the volunteers.

Puan and her entourage then planted mango trees with local residents. Muara District is a mango-producing area.

After planting, the first woman who served as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives had a dialogue with the community who was accompanied by the Regent of South Tapanuli, Nikson Nababan.

“I invite the members of the DPR to think about North Tapanuli and North Sumatra because I see Taput being like this. That’s why I invite members of the DPR to jointly think about development here,” said Puan.

Puan then asked residents to convey their aspirations to the council. One of the residents who came from the women’s group hoped to get an organic fertilizer processing facility because they had difficulty getting fertilizer.

Manure processing for farmer groups will collaborate with farmers so that the organic produced by farmers can be used as fertilizer for planting rice, corn, and others. Puan promised to seek infrastructure that can support the manufacture of organic fertilizers.

“For organic fertilizer tools, we will try,” said Puan.

A host who joined the dialogue with Puan suddenly raised her hand. He prayed for Puan to become President to advance the nation.

“Your brain is great. I pray that you can lead Indonesia. May God bless you,” said the host.

A resident named Toga Aritonang also expressed the same hope. He hopes that Puan can continue the work of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

“Mr. Jokowi’s development must continue. And we hope this continues. The one who continues is Mrs. Puan,” hoped Toga Aritonang.

“We represent the village head in Taput to support the mother in the future,” said the local village head who also hoped that his area would have a horse race to support tourism.

Meanwhile, the Regent of North Tapanuli, Nikson Nababan, revealed that Lake Toba has a predatory fish known as the Red Devil.

Puan then went to Lake Toba, which is in the Muara District area, to sow fish seeds, which is located near Muara Harbor. Along the way from the tree planting site to the sowing of fish seeds, Puan was warmly greeted by residents who lined up neatly on the side of the road.

In addition to sowing fish seeds, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also had a dialogue with a number of fish cultivators. Puan also fulfills many requests from residents and fish traders from the port for group photos.****

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