Having DNA of National Leaders, PBNU Praises Puan Maharani’s Attention to Muslims

Having DNA of National Leaders, PBNU Praises Puan Maharani's Attention to Muslims

Fajarasia.co – Chairman of the Tanfidziyah Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Nasyirul Falah Amru or who is familiarly called Gus Falah praised the attention of the Chairman of the DPR RI Puan Maharani towards Muslims.

This week, Puan made a working visit to Cirebon, in between her busy schedule, she visited the Buntet Islamic Boarding School on July 4, 2022. She spoke about the importance of synergizing nationalist-religious groups.

Ahead of Eid al-Adha, Puan also asked for tighter supervision at the places where sacrificial animals were sold. Puan urged the vaccination of sacrificial animals to be maximized.

“Mbak Puan As Chair of the DPR, the symbol of the people’s representative institution shows great attention to the role of Muslims for the advancement of Indonesian civilization, we appreciate Mbak Puan’s attitude,” said Gus Falah to reporters, Saturday (9/7/22)

According to Gus Falah, the role of nationalists and religious people for the progress of the nation and state must be strengthened, especially since recently there have been attempts to clash between nationalists and religious groups.

“Indonesia’s history is a history of mutual cooperation, we worked hand in hand to break free from colonialism and reassemble our national fabric as an independent country. Pancasila is the extraordinary idea of ​​the founding father of the nation that is difficult to find in other countries,” said Gus Falah, who is also a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives

The voice of the DPR echoing the supervision of sacrificial animals and vaccinations to prevent foot and mouth disease (PMK) is very meaningful for Gus Falah. PMK should not be taken lightly, because COVID-19 was not taken seriously at first.

“We heard and read Mbak Puan’s statement as the spirit or DNA of a national leader. It is very important to maintain the solemnity of Eid al-Adha,” said Gus Falah.

Previously, Puan said that the relationship between religious and nationalist groups was important to work together in fighting for the development of the nation. Therefore, on various occasions touring the regions, he often met with scholars and visited Islamic boarding schools throughout the country.

“That struggle needs to be continued in the present in order to maintain and guard the Pancasila State and fill the nature of the development of the Indonesian nation,” said Puan.

Ahead of the commemoration of Eid al-Adha which will be commemorated simultaneously tomorrow, Puan encourages the Government to intensify the livestock vaccination program to anticipate the spread of PMK.

The latest data, FMD is known to have spread in 236 regencies/cities in 21 provinces with a total of 334,213 livestock infected with FMD. A total of 114,998 cattle have been declared cured.

“The government must also pay attention to the needs of animal health workers in the regions. There must be an effort to increase the number of animal vaccinators so that the vaccination coverage is wider,” said Puan.***

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